Friday, June 12, 2009

My Grandma.

Hmmm...nanny's condition is gettin worst. im so worry of her.
and im scared to close my eyes.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Life's like this.

Dearie i miss u. i really2 do. i havent much time on blogging lately.besides, the internet connection was sucks. its been about three weeks we're here. lots of things happened.
u know what dearie, do i need to ask anybody to trust our leader? is it a right thing to do when somebody we called a leader, but then we shud ask others to trust him? thats nonsense. isnt it? he's a leader, so he deserve to learn more even if some people do not trust him that much. he owez deserve to learn to be better and improve his leadership skills. but, the situation is, some people didnt even want to give any apportunity to him to show his credibility as a leader. yeaa maybe he known as one of the quite 'nakal' student. thats ordinary right. but, the problem is. is anybody in this world who cannot change to be as in line they shud be?? ask yourself. dun judge people by their weakneses only. do look towords them, about how far they cud be even more better than what we expect them to be.

and, shud we trust another people, and give all the leader's duty or responsibility to others who we often to work with? just bcoz we trust that person and we like to work with them. and we think that only them who deserve to take over the responsibility. is it so right? but at the same time we still have a leader who owez deserve it? this is what i called as unfair. anybody. can u answer it for me.

i hate the discrimination of the leader. i do really hate this kind of discrimination. bcoz for me, everybody need to learn slowly first. and do not easily influenced by the mistakes they did before, bcoz nobody who never did wrong. they owez do, but there's owez a way to improve and avoid the same mistakes to heppen again. just remember and ask ourselves, do we never did a mistake?

this is reality. think of it.

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